Julia Gillard in Conversation

Former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard will discuss her upcoming memoir in a special Adelaide Writers’ Week event at the Adelaide Town Hall on Friday, October 3.
Former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard will discuss her upcoming memoir in a special Adelaide Writers’ Week event at the Adelaide Town Hall on Friday, October 3. Australia’s first female Prime Minister will be in discussion with host Natasha Cica to talk about her upcoming book My Story. Gillard’s memoir, which will be released by Random House on Wednesday, October 1, explores her “political and personal journey during turbulent times, and what that means for Australia’s future”. The host, Natasha Cica, is Director of the consulting practice Liminal Strategy. The Australian Financial Review listed Cica as one of Australia’s 100 Women of Influence last year. Julia Gillard was Australia’s Prime Minister from 2010 to 2013. The former Unley High student is currently an honorary Professor of Politics at the University of Adelaide and Nonresident Senior Fellow, Global Economy and Development at Brookings Institution. Gillard is also the Chair of the international education program Global Partnership for Education. My Story: Julia Gillard in Conversation with Natasha Cica Adelaide Town Hall Friday, October 3, 6.30pm (75 mins) Tickets $39 Friends/Concession $33 Fringe Benefits/Student $20 adelaidefestival.com.au