Written by Mark Tripodi and played by three young actors, Anteworld works best if you know the basics behind the Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, but there’s enough exposition here to bring the un-mythologised viewer along for the ride too.
This ‘anteworld’ the play is set in is a sort of purgatory where souls come in their voyage from the living world to the afterlife. It’s just one room with a couple of doors leading who knows where. The setting is comfortably odd, even surreal with references to ancient Greece, some subtle intertextuality and glowing heavenly touches. A purgatory like this doesn’t strictly exist in Greek mythology, but it allows Tripodi to explore the rules and structures of a fairly patriarchal ancient world.
It’s run by Persephone, the wife of Hades, who nonchalantly counsels and tortures her guests. Josh Mensch is the standout in the cast, strongly dedicated to his playing a perpetually punished individual. His ruminations on memory and choice, as well as his conflict with Eurydice are fun to watch and ponder afterwards. The young cast is a talented one overall, with each performance comfortably doing its job, save the occasionally swallowed line.
Dark humour and existential questions abound in Anteworld. This show is well worth a watch for mythology fans, or anyone keen to catch some of Adelaide’s budding young talent.
Anteworld played at the Bakehouse Theatre Studio on Wednesday, March 14, and continues there until Saturday, March 18.
Tickets available at adelaidefringe.com.au
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