By drawing on a deep understanding of integrating built and natural environments, architects and urban designers can achieve distinctive, innovative and sustainable transport infrastructure solutions which provide greater community benefit.
Oxigen took a holistic approach, prioritising the quality of architecture and urban design, drawing on context and community and articulating a sense of journey and arrival. Twenty-five specialist consultants collaborated on a clear set of principles derived from stakeholder understanding, acceptance and advocacy.
Throughout the design development and approvals process, Oxigen were at the forefront of design thinking and undertook extensive collaboration with government agencies, including DPTI, ODASA, DAC, City of Adelaide, Botanic Gardens and City of Norwood Payneham and St Peters.
The O-Bahn City Access project provides Adelaide with an integrated infrastructure project of architectural excellence, mirroring the city and state’s combined efforts towards design and project excellence within the CBD.
Photo Credit: Gary Francis
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