Channel 9 Kevin Crease Studios, Saturday, February 15
Do you remember what you did last night? Max can’t, but Sam and Ollie can and they set out to convince Max that he was responsible for the spectre that now haunts them. Exploring themes of self-preservation and manipulation, this emotional roller coaster takes creating false memory to new heights, something resembling a big dark storm cloud. Tight direction from Hannah Fallowfield and realistic dialogue by writer Chloé Eckert that suited the characters age and dilemma kept the tension rising through the non-linear narrative until the suspenseful final scene. Music was used effectively throughout, an agent of menace, with the opening soundscape drawing you into the characters waking nightmare. Wry dark humour that had the audience laughing interspersed the dastardly deeds of blame shifting. The ensemble cast brought presence and energy to the panic stricken controlling Sam, confused grieving Ollie, the struggling guilt ridden Max and the vengeful Ester. Rating: ***1/2 (Finger)prints continues at Channel 9 Kevin Crease Studios until Sunday, February 23. *This review also appears on Rip It Up