Bar 9: Coffee Central

Bar 9 Central exudes a warm homely feel needed when escaping the daily city grind. With children’s books serving as menus and old house doors attached to the counter, the décor, menus and staff are inviting.
But you know this place is serious when you see the long Synesso espresso machine up the front. Bar 9 Central uses Five Senses coffee and Tweedvale milk to give you that ‘boutique in the city’ experience. It was very busy on the day I arrived but the barista was still able to chat about coffee, which is a good sign that they know exactly what they’re doing. He offered me a sun dried Panama Boquete Lerida for my espresso, which he handed to me straight over the machine. The acidity was bright and pleasant with hints of peaches coming through in the aroma. The latte was a blend called Black Label, which was made up of Serra Negra (Brazil), Colombian Asprounion and Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Kochere. The crema sat beautifully around the latte art of a rosetta leaf and the taste of caramelised nuts was predominant at first but then came the chocolate berry aftertaste. Bar 9 Central uses fresh local produce and is a good location for when you’re in need of decent coffee while shopping or on a break. I noticed the barista was watching me closely as I sipped my espresso and knocked back my latte, which tells me that they’re looking for that feedback to reach that perfection that boutiques aim for in the industry. Bar 9 Central Adelaide Central Plaza