Take Your Place

As part of the spring art, architecture and design celebration Place 2012, an initiative to involve children and young people, Take Your Place, brings the next generation into the conversation about their sense of place.
As part of the spring art, architecture and design celebration Place 2012, an initiative to involve children and young people, Take Your Place, brings the next generation into the conversation about their sense of place.
Simply, Take Your Place allows young people to make a three-minute video about their favourite place (it could be their backyard, a street, a park etc), which is then uploaded to Take Your Place’s Facebook page (facebook.com/TakeYour Place). The outstanding entries may then attract one of four people’s choice awards and be screened at a finale event. Australian Institute of Architects (AIA) chapter councillor Angelique Edmonds says Take Your Place is about promoting an intergenerational conversation, as “places are meaningful for different people for different reasons at different ages”. “The idea for this is to create a platform for people of different ages to talk about what’s important and to allow a different conversation,” she says. “It could be anywhere, it could be a cubby house, could be the beach, it could be their backyard, a public space, anywhere that’s meaningful to them.” “The concept of doing a video was a really exciting way to give all sorts of people the opportunity to capture the place that’s important and explain how they feel about it,” fellow AIA chapter councillor Sally Bolton continues. “With just their phones basically.” “There’s certainly something very powerful about the individual having the platform to present themselves and their place,” Edmonds says. “They’re not waiting for someone else to make their film and someone to choose their camera angles and how to frame it. They are actually fully in control of the message they want to send about this place.” Take Your Place is just one of the events happening as part of the three-month festival of art, architecture and design, Place 2012. This spring celebration, which is a collaboration between the Integrated Design Commission, Arts SA, the Australia Institute of Architects and many more design bodies and councils, allows South Australians to register an activity that discusses the question – what makes a great place? Check place2012.com.au for a list of Place 2012 events. Place 2012 runs until the end of November. Registrations for Take Your Place close on Monday, November 19 place2012.com.au