SA Architecture Awards 2014 - Full Citation

Read the full citation of the 2014 SA Architecture Awards
Read the full citation of the 2014 SA Architecture Awards From The Awards Director – Peter Dungey, LFRAIA The Australian Institute of Architect’s Architecture Awards Programs have two aims – to recognize and celebrate design excellence with our professional peers and to promote architecture to the wider community. With a plethora of awards across many fields of endeavor competing for media attention, the effective promotion of architecture is heavily reliant on the consistent high quality of the work we single out for awards. So consistency of design merit across the various awards categories has been a particular focus of this year’s judging process. While the projects honoured are diverse in purpose, budget and expression and range from the modest to the monumental, all are of “special merit”, with a select few showing the “consummate architectural skill” mandated for an Architecture Award. They are testament to the dedication and skill of their architects and a strengthening culture of good design in South Australia. I would like to congratulate all those involved. 2014 SIR JAMES IRWIN PRESIDENT’S MEDAL Susan Phillips & Michael Pilkington This year’s recipients of the President’s Medal have made significant contributions to South Australian Architecture through exemplary design practice, extensive teaching, community involvement and volunteering. After working in separate practices in Adelaide, they were fortunate to gain employment with Mitchell, Giurgola & Thorpe to work on the National Parliament House project. They were particularly fortunate to work closely with the wonderful Aldo Giurgola and Pamille Berg so early in their careers. It’s the kind of mentorship that few of us have enjoyed. Giurgola’s influence was significant – demonstrating the importance of collaborative practice not only with other architects and designers but also artists. It was this experience, together with community based work in London, that led them to winning their first significant commission in 1992 which specifically required collaboration between architect and artist. Giurgola’s influence has continued to inform their work through their attention to detail, sensible use of materials and the inclusion of artists in their projects. They place particular importance in developing and enhancing the sense of cultural identity within their projects. They have a strong commitment to environmental responsibility which further reinforces sense of place by responding to local climatic conditions. While their projects are sophisticated their architecture is accessible, down to earth and tangible. They have both made significant contributions to the Institute through involvement in committees and the awards program and are well known passionate and articulate advocates for the importance of design and architecture in our community. They have also been excellent teachers in the Schools of Architecture. It is interesting too that they have not only taught at Adelaide and volunteered at the Chapter but they have also been commissioned to improve both the Adelaide University’s Architecture School and the SA Chapter’s building in Flinders Street. So there we have it – a local 22 year old practice that has unswervingly stuck to its principles of design excellence, collaborative practice, community engagement, environmentally sustainable design and advocacy while continuing to teach and nurture the next generation of architects. It is with great pleasure that I present the 2014 President’s Medal to Sue Phillips and Michael Pilkington. Awarded by Steve Grieve FRAIA PUBLIC ARCHITECTURE Jury Chair: Ben Hewett Jurors: Matt Davis, Rachel Hurst Guest Juror: Niko Tsoukalas While the general field showed commendable attention to specific regional and local concerns, the entries were dominated by the global perspective, programmatic scope and innovation, formal resolution and technical excellence of the SAHMRI. The Jack McConnell Award for Public Architecture South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute – Woods Bagot The South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute by Woods Bagot was the clear winner in the Public Awards category. A contemporary, bold and sophisticated building skillfully driven into existence by Woods Bagot’s Adelaide office. The project operates as a catalyst on multiple levels – a catalyst for the urban regeneration of the precinct; a catalyst and new exemplar for the city; and a catalyst for the state, evidencing step change in attitudes to both design and research. The role of the architect has been critical from earliest conceptions of the project and the result not only creates new opportunities for science, education and research but shifts the way Adelaide perceives itself as a city. Public Architecture Commendations Whyalla Regional Cancer Centre Redevelopment – Hames Sharley Walkerville Civic & Community Centre – JPE Design Studio Aurecon proudly sponsors the Public Architecture category URBAN DESIGN Jury Chair: Ben Hewett Jurors: Matt Davis, Rachel Hurst Specialist Advisor: James Hayter This was a small field with no major built projects to evaluate. The selection of projects delivered little in terms of measurable contribution to the public realm beyond literal response to brief and opportunities to extract or maximise urban engagement were limited. Urban Design Commendations: UniSA City East Public Realm – Grieve Gillett Pty Ltd RESIDENTIAL ARCHITECTURE – HOUSES (NEW) Jury Chair: Sean Humphries Jurors: Sally Wilson, Anthony Giordano Guest Juror: Jacqui Harbison The establishment of the new alterations and additions category saw a smaller than normal number of entries to the New Housing category this year. The Jury felt that the calibre of entries seemed to have suffered from the effects of the domestic downturn. Whilst the entries were of a good quality and some with a healthy budget, the Jury felt the entries lacked the finesse that would have otherwise been achieved. The Jury would like to commend all of the entries for producing high quality work in tough times, however would encourage the profession to seek to innovate and adapt their ideas to the new marketplace. The John S Chappel Award for Residential Architecture – Houses (New) Goolwa Beach House – Grieve Gillett Pty Ltd A retreat from the hustle and bustle of urban life, Goolwa Beach House offers not only respite but a welcoming home away from home – a truly passionate testament to a design ethos that pulls no punches, marrying function and form to produce a bold and somewhat monumental punctuation in a setting smattered with far less inspired responses to context. This build sits successfully poised upon its coastal setting, a reflection on the dynamic lifestyle of the occupants, as well as a humble home away from home. Structure is honestly expressed, interwoven with a bent on the modern spatial aesthetic, giving the Goolwa Beach House series of humble yet thoughtfully crafted and well planned spaces. Seemingly Spartan at first glance, clever use of material & finish are employed to maximum effect to produce an aesthetic that feels warm and inviting, but not over the top! – everything that a beach house should! The photographer’s lens not doing justice to the quality of materiality, nor the mastery and understanding with which this engaging piece of architecture has been crafted. A cohesive and rich architectural statement offering a balanced, relaxed aesthetic, perfectly suited to age gracefully within the context of the beachside. A clear demonstration of the architect’s avid understanding of both the costal context and spacial planning the result is a series of light rich, highly inviting and cohesive spaces, which shift effortlessly between architecture, interiors and landscape. Residential Architecture – Houses (New) Commendations: Dune House – Max Pritchard Architect Prestipino House – Max Pritchard Architect BORAL proudly sponsors the Residential Architecture – Houses (New) category RESIDENTIAL ARCHITECTURE – HOUSES (ALTERATIONS & ADDITIONS) Jury Chair: Sean Humphries Jurors: Sally Wilson, Anthony Giordano Guest Juror: Jacqui Harbison The Jury would like to applaud the new inception of new category of Housing (Alterations and Additions). They Jury felt that this category was far better suited to addressing the additional layers of complexity associated with renovations and additions and facilitated the judging of such project quite successfully. The jury felt that this year saw a reasonable cross section of style and complexity given the implication of a tighter than normal market place. The Jury was genuinely impressed by the way in which Architects had adapted to the tighter budgets and ‘detailed smart’ with clever use of materials and structures and in doing so had displayed great ingenuity and adaptability. Overall, the Jury felt the standard of entries in the alteration and additions category this year of good quality and would encourage more alterations and additions to be entered in the years to come. The SA Chapter Award for Residential Architecture – Houses (Alterations and Additions) Residence R – Architects Ink Residence R is a true testament to the trust placed by the Client in their Architect. This beautifully crafted contemporary pavilion addition in its formal simplicity successfully pays its respects to the Californian case study houses of the mid-century whilst stamping its own mark on the style. The lofted floating roof form, successfully detailed to achieve a tantalisingly thin roofline for its scale, floats effortlessly above the additions walls, heightening the sense of transparency and maximising natural light. The pavilion form truly sings as its weightlessness allows the outside spill in! The complimentary form gives a subtle ‘nod’ to the existing Victorian bluestone villa with a selection of materials and spatial gestures that allow the two coexist harmoniously. Beautifully crafted joinery, seamlessly integrated into the built fabric allows architectural and interior space to flow effortlessly. Whist the customised services are integrated into the fabric and subtly melt into the background. Clean lines and a simple but sophisticated plan blur the boundary between interior and exterior. Bringing together a series of artfully curated moments and clever glimpses, the jury particularly enjoyed the nearby church spire framed by the high-level windows above living room. Residence R sets itself apart as a truly timeless addition to the adeladian architectural landscape. Architecture Award Toorak Gardens Residence – Dimitty Andersen Architects This well-crafted and balanced architectural form succinctly captures the serenity of its suburban locale. Capitalising on the sites natural features, offering a range of engaging aspects and well considered ‘surprises’ around every corner. Toorak Gardens Residence successfully blends interior / exterior and furniture / fixture. The result being a truly pleasurable series of spaces, artfully positioned to blur conventional lines of definition. Complementing the formal spatial qualities of the existing bungalow, the central volume offers a warm and inviting series of spaces that unfold and captivate at every turn. Whilst a strong connection to the outdoors allows the addition to ‘take a deep breath’, drawing the outside in, lapping up the northern light and bringing the surrounding garden into the living space. The central double volume becomes a container of dappled light that serves all spaces within the addition, a well-considered and cleverly orchestrated manoeuvre to unify all elements of the addition. Although the Jury would like to note that although not part of the architects scope this was not as successful in regard to the existing kitchen. The addition achieves a level and resolve and quality that is a true testament to the skill of the architect and their relationship with client. The result is a delightful addition that brings a new lease of life to this family home. Architecture Award Stirling House – Max Pritchard Architect Poised in the serene setting of the Adelaide hills the Stirling House is a striking architectural gesture acting as both compliment and contrast to the existing heritage listed home. Almost immediately the subtle craftsmanship of the space both engages and captivates as it draws you into a journey from old to new starting with a light filled walkway that quite literally beacons it viewers as it captures the magic of the Adelaide Hills sunshine. The covered link effortlessly binds the disparate styles of the old and new, kitting the two through the subtle framing of the internalised courtyard, which forms a void between the old and the new allowing the site context to be truly appreciated, bookending and framing the simple yet striking resolution of the addition in the main. Throughout, the addition thrusts its views into the landscape, playing host to the treetops and offering an experience that is quite serene. Responding to a complex range of issues the Stirling House offers a unique solution that finds balance and poise in its enigmatically modernist resolution and form. It simple, yet well resolved and considered planning allows providing the benefits of a contemporary home without detracting from the sites historical context. Quite literally a phoenix born from the ashes, the Stirling House needs to be experienced to be truly appreciated. Residential Architecture – Houses (Alterations & Additions) Commendations: Roodenrys Kewell Addition – Troppo Architects Unley Residence – Dimitty Andersen Architects RESIDENTIAL CATEGORY – MULTIPLE HOUSING Jury Chair: Sean Humphries Jurors: Sally Wilson, Anthony Giordano Guest Juror: Jacqui Harbison The Jury felt that although presented with several good quality entries this year, that there was a general lack of vigour in the responses presented. Whilst multiple housing does present its challenges and complexities, the Jury believes that a greater challenging of potential outcomes by designers addressing these types of projects is needed, in order to evolve what can sometimes be considered a prosaic architectural typology. Nil projects awarded. COMMERCIAL ARCHITECTURE Jury Chair: Tony Zappia Jurors: Geof Nairn LFRAIA, Michael Buchtmann Guest Juror: James Harrison This year there were eleven entries being eight off in the Interior Architecture Category and three off in the Commercial Category. Even though not all entries received an award, the jury thought the quality of all entries was of a high standard with every project delivering the expectations and brief from their respective Clients. It was very pleasing feeling and seeing the Client’s joy and passion about their project during our site visits and understanding the importance of engaging an architect to undertake the whole process from conception to completion. There were two exceptional projects, albeit very different to each other, with one a new build and the other a refurbishment. The jury could not hide their sense of excitement during their site visits and deliberations as both the SAHMRI and Tonsley Sustainable Industries Education Centre showed the full potential of South Australian based Architectural firms delivering world class projects. The Keith Neighbour Award for Commercial Architecture South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute – Woods Bagot The South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) designed by Woods Bagot has already become the most iconic building in Adelaide and one of the most innovative in Australia. Apart from providing 25000sm. of the most sophisticated space for Biomedical Research, this building interprets its function in an extraordinarily imaginative way. The constantly changing character of its beautifully textured ecologically smart skin wrapped around its fascinating form is a brilliant concept superbly executed. Gathering and enclosing the structural columns into supporting ‘flower columns’ as the form meets the plaza, removes any remaining traditional notion of a building particularly as there are another three levels under the plaza. SAHMRI is an Architectural tour de force. The jury was unanimous in declaring SAHMRI an exceptional example of Commercial Architecture worthy of the Keith Neighbour Named Award. Commercial Architecture Commendation Unley Offices – Con Bastiras Architect The clean lines of these face brick group of two storey offices on King William Road show how a developer driven project can have the architectural qualities we inspire, yet still tick all the boxes in the pragmatics required. A combination of face bluestone clinker bricks with expressed steel portal frames and steel sunhoods cleverly articulate this community of individual buildings thus allowing options for the developer with regard to a variety of future tenants. The jury has commended the architect for his drive, bold and contextual solution as one could have easily provided a lightweight or pre-cast concrete building still delivering his client’s requirements. Fielders proudly sponsors the Commercial Architecture category INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE Jury Chair: Tony Zappia Jurors: Geof Nairn LFRAIA, Michael Buchtmann Specialist Advisor: Neroli Hutchinson The Robert Dickson Award for Interior Architecture South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute – Woods Bagot If anything, the interior of the SAHMRI Building is even more dramatic than the exterior of this remarkable overall composition. From the 8 storey fully glazed entry foyer to the awe-inspiring communal space defined by the white bridges connecting north and south laboratories, a superb white circular stair connecting all the floors and the ever present diagrid facade redefining the outstanding views, the whole interior is both inspiring and comfortable as a social space. The fixed furniture from the reception desk to the food serveries feel as if they are part of the building with a degree of flamboyance in the social areas and strictly functional in the laboratories. One cannot help being impressed by the amazing counterpoint achieve between the very high-tech facade and the lovingly hand crafted plasterwork on the ‘flower columns’, circular stair, etc. Overall, this outstanding Interior should achieve the desired result of inspiring and facilitating the occupants in their pursuit of highly creative scientific revelations. As a jury, we were unanimous in declaring SAHMRI an exceptional example of Interior Architecture worthy of the Robert Dickson Named Award for Interior Architecture. Architecture Award Sustainable Industries Education Centre – MPH Architects Occasionally a project comes along where the conditions are right – a captivating site, an ambitious brief, a willing client, and it is up to the architect to rise to the challenge to deliver a vision that transcends expectations. In the Sustainable Industries Education Centre project, the architect has taken the remarkable skeleton of the former Chrysler/Mitsubishi assembly hall at Tonsley, and applied impressive flesh to its bones. The architect’s appreciation of the existing structure is obvious – the retention and celebration of the vast industrial structure, whilst skillfully inserting the new building trades campus in its immense volume, has resulted in the thoughtful layering of old and new. Transparency and legibility are keys to the project’s success. Rigorously and rationally planned on scales ranging from the urban to the personal, the unimpeded views to and from workshops, teaching spaces and staff areas reinforce the interconnected nature and collective purpose of the construction industry. A human scale has been achieved by through modularity of the new fabric and the judicious use of colour and finishes. Natural light is used to impressive effect. Finishes, fixtures, furniture are all as they should be – robust, flexible, honest, and appropriate. Nothing is superfluous or frivolous. The design is confident, but not self-conscious. The building’s services and plant are exposed and skillfully co-ordinated – presented as an exemplar to the trade students. The result is a fitting marriage between the existing robust industrial fabric where assembly once took place and the teaching of functional building trades. In every respect, the Tonsley Sustainable Industries Education Centre is a space that teaches about assembly. Given that Sustainable Industries Education Centre project is the first of many insertions within the existing Tonsley structure, the standard has been set very high indeed. Interior Architecture Commendation The Collins – Woods Bagot Woods Bagot’s concept of ‘an Armani suit with a 5 o’clock shadow’ created the frame and vision for the bar. The blend of precious materials such as brass and marble are contrasted with wire brushed, stained timber and saddle leather that will age and patina over time. The appearance of a craggy but immaculately attired 007 was anticipated. Custom designs were carefully constructed by South Australian artisans, creating a quality luxe environment. The distinctive and striking brass feature lighting links with the unique furniture items invoking a current embodiment of timeless elegance. This new space re-establishes an important venue at the Hilton Hotel by reinvigorating this prominent corner of Victoria Square in the heart of Adelaide. The lift-up windows open the space to the Square, providing a welcome connection to the passing city bustle. Spaces are structured to create two distinct areas: A bright active day time venue and a sophisticated and intimate cocktail lounge room that can be locked down for private functions. Consideration of design and quality also extends to the glossy bathroom facilities. SMALL PROJECT ARCHITECTURE Jury Chair: Michael Pilkington Jurors: Craig Buckberry, Adam Brown, Emily Chalk The Small Projects Category attracts works that are often defined by constraints of scale and budget. This year all four entries reframed ‘constraint as an excuse’ to ‘constraint as a catalyst for inspiration’. Amongst other qualities the Jury looked specifically for the alchemy that turned limitation into gold. Worth noting is that all projects were essentially Architect as client which draws some challenging conclusions about what it takes to realise a small project. The Jury awarded two commendations. Small Project Architecture Commendations Tree Top Studio – Max Pritchard Architect Adelaide – committee Adelaide HERITAGE Jury Chair: Michael Pilkington Jurors: Craig Buckberry, Adam Brown, Emily Chalk Specialist Advisor: Paul Stark This year five projects were submitted for consideration. The jury has been impressed by the variety of projects, representing adaptive re-use and strong rationales in residential, commercial and civic applications. The principle of doing ‘as much as needed but as little as possible’ is clearly evident as is the potential of each place, released in a creative alloy of old and new. In each case there is a discernible ‘pivot’ in design approach to reconcile asset value and heritage value with the needs and values of users. The jury gave the Named Award, one Architecture Award and one Commendation. The David Saunders Award for Heritage Walkerville Civic & Community Centre – JPE Design Studio This project epitomizes the careful preservation and rejuvenation of a cherished existing heritage building, juxtaposed with a modern public library, civic and community centre. Prominently located, the project makes appropriate acknowledgement of both the corner site and the old Walkerville Town Hall. The design creates a distinctly contemporary dialogue of old and new in a design rationale infusing concept and realised detail with both rigour and confidence. The planning geometry of the ‘skewed’ square plan accentuates the existing Town Hall façade, whilst also creating an easily identifiable new public entrance. At the rear, a large new window to the Council Chamber, acts as a beacon from the carpark at night. The long north-south gallery provides the new entries, an historic and renovated former west elevation of the Town Hall and public waiting and information spaces. New staff office facilities have transformed accommodation requirements and enabled more effective relationships between the elected members, staff and executive. Community and Library services are conspicuously evident via the service bench at the ‘front of house’, lit by over-sized pendant fittings. In the spacious Library, with abundant natural light carefully filtered by views of street tree canopies rather than the traffic of Walkerville Terrace, there is a sense of calm and space. High quality fittings and furniture have been effectively utilized to create a variety of spaces suitable for all age groups. The jury particularly liked the ‘bookshop’ feel of the stacks at the west end. The Library’s north facade glazed wall is mediated and shaded by a dynamic white-painted, steel latticed brise-soleil, which is the design signature of the project. A passive natural ventilation intake is also built into this façade. This load-bearing device appears on other elevations in concert with dark brickwork and punched and steel-framed window openings. This project carefully realises the potential of a significant community heritage building by confidently juxtaposing old and new in a design that is respectful yet refreshingly dynamic. Architecture Award Adelaide Central School of Art – Grieve Gillett That Adelaide’s justifiably famous Central School of Art now occupies new premises in the heart of the old Glenside Hospital site, is thanks in large part to the ability of architect Steve Grieve and the team at Grieve Gillett to very successfully marry this significant thick-walled brick building to a wholly new use on a shoe-string budget. Clearly, being thrifty helped. An appealing aspect of the move for the School is the tremendous amount of space they now have: spread over three stories, a separate area for sculpture, cells that could be used as studios, with the office, gallery and shop located in an adjacent single storey heritage building. Extensive grounds would enable future courtyards to develop and soften the severe exterior. The rigour of the almost non-existent budget sharpened the mind and clearly nothing was done that didn’t need to be. This creates a very lean and ‘pure’ interior, stripped of superfluous services, painted only where absolutely necessary, almost nothing added except toilets and a stair and lift tower. Externally, this new form sums up the design approach: it matches the existing eaves parapet in height, but is beautifully understated, painted a medium grey, with long shaded windows giving great views to adjacent buildings on the site. Internally, the new steel stair detailing is clean and minimal with its painted plate landings simply bolted together and to the existing walls. For the artists’ studios removing existing brickwork and trimming with a wide steel ‘doorframe’ amalgamated either two or three existing ‘cells/bedrooms’. Existing painted colours remained – again the economy of the project directing that some work that may have happened with more money didn’t. Visitors and the artists can clearly understand the historic occupation and recent transformation of the building. Larger ‘wards’ become galleries/tutorial/studio spaces, ‘cells’ develop as small kitchens and polished timber floors abound. In buildings of this type and age the ability to integrate building services is limited, so a frequent ‘exhibit’ on the walls is the reverse-cycle air-conditioner. New lighting and electrical cabling are clipped neatly onto galvanised suspended cable trays The jury was thoroughly impressed by this project: its spare solidity, understatement and minimal interventions enabling the old structure to shine with pride and be very contented with its blossoming artistic life. Heritage Commendation Stirling House – Max Pritchard Architect SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE Jury Chair: Michael Sheidow Jurors: Dino Vrynios, Michael Hegarty, Anthony Coupe Specialist Advisor: Paul Davy The ambition of the Australian Institute of Architects is that all projects by all architects respond to the challenge of sustainability. Accordingly, all projects entered in the awards program were considered for award in the Sustainable Architecture category. The Sustainable Architecture category has a very broad context; including factors such as environmental sustainability, commercial sustainability, cultural sustainability and social sustainability. The jury was particularly keen to see projects which demonstrated that sustainability was a consideration from the earliest design stages, and where the program and built form had been clearly influenced by a desire for sustainability. Of less interest to the jury were ‘bolt-on’ technologies such as photovoltaic panels that may more often indicate a generous budget than a desire for sustainable design. The scale of projects considered ranged from private houses to major pieces of social infrastructure for the state; including health, research, education and cultural facilities. Following thoughtful deliberation the jury determined that three projects in particular had been executed with an appreciation of sustainability of a very high calibre, as well as being architecture of merit. In particular we were impressed by the ingenuity of architects working on two projects with very limited budgets, and a third project where the client organisation did not really exist at project inception. For all of the projects for which we have made awards and commendations, we have a very clear understanding that the sustainability agenda was driven, developed and realised by the architect. The Derrick Kendrick Award for Sustainable Architecture South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute – Woods Bagot SAHMRI is a world class building, which compares favourably with other iconic buildings around the world that use exemplary architecture as one of the key methods of attracting, and holding, top research people and programmes. As a project goal, best practice sustainable design has clearly been at the forefront of thinking. Subject to ongoing performance monitoring this building has been designed to achieve a LEED Gold Rating. There has been a concerted effort and leadership shown by the architects to ensure that integration of best practice sustainable design has occurred and that the sustainability agenda has not been compromised or diluted. This effort has produced an accomplished and poetic work where environmental and cultural sustainability principles have produced a work that is greater than the sum of its parts. That sustainability has been intrinsic to the design process is evidenced by the architects convincing the client to ’re-think’ the typical arrangement of laboratory work-flows. This has allowed the more insular and enclosed laboratory spaces to migrate to the western side of the building where they play a role in mitigating heat loads from the western sun. This re-thinking was extended to challenging the norm of isolated individual research teams so that collaboration and interaction throughout the building is encouraged. The highly modelled and modulated external skin uses a repeated but modified triangulated module which responds to the passage of the sun throughout the day and over the year. This skin not only undertakes the pragmatic role of solar control, it also creates the iconic facade that contributes so strongly to Adelaide’s skyline. The architects have created a building that truly celebrates the work that occurs within, through visual connectivity and through the building itself becoming a joyful landmark for the city’s emerging health and academic precinct. Environmental, cultural and social sustainability has been skilfully addressed and the building demonstrates a high level of understanding of its place on north terrace and within the riverbank precinct. Sustainable Architecture Commendations Jam Factory at Seppeltsfield – Grieve Gillett Billabong Houses – Julian Rutt Lumen Studio ENDURING ARCHITECTURE Jury Chair: Nick Tridente FRAIA Jurors: Steve Grieve FRAIA, Peter Dungey LFRAIA, David Gilbert LFRAIA, John Schenk LFRAIA The Jack Cheesman Award for Enduring Architecture The Bicentennial Conservatory Adelaide – Raffen Maron Architects Pty Ltd Three years after completion of the Bicentennial Conservatory in 1988, a distinguished national design jury declared it “a major landmark for the city and modern architecture”. Twenty-five years later that description remains apt. Its conceptual clarity, formal elegance and spatial impact continue to inspire and delight, heightened by the maturing landscapes within and around it. It occupies an elevated position in lists of Australia’s favourite buildings. Its exemplary technical performance is acknowledged internationally. The ingenious geometry of the structure underpins its ability to economically maintain the exacting environmental conditions required for scientific and educational purposes.And its fabric has proved durable and capable of a long life, with ongoing maintenance facilitated by sophisticated modular construction. So, while an unequivocally rationalist, modernist work, the conservatory embodies the timeless Vitruvian principles of great architecture: “commodity, firmness and delight”. The jury applauds all those involved in commissioning, designing and operating this remarkable building. It is an outstanding and enduring monument to the Bicentennial – one that seems certain to grace the Nation’s next celebrations a hundred years on. COLORBOND ® AWARD FOR STEEL ARCHITECTURE Jurors: Ben Hewett, Michael Pilkington, Michael Sheidow, Sean Humphries, Tony Zappia Specialist Advisor: Peter van Loggem COLORBOND® Award for Steel Architecture South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute – Woods Bagot The South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute demonstrates the opportunities of skillful design teams leveraging the close relationship of material to formal expression. This becomes particularly inspiring when that formal expression creates such as strong identity for the precinct, city and state. The skillful use of steel is evident in the structural approach, seen in the tightly controlled and beautifully expressed dia-grid; and the tree-like internal structura system to reduce ground level footprint while maintaining efficiences above. The nuanced handling of material to create flexible, functional and beautiful space is testament to the design team. COLORBOND® Award for Steel Architecture Commendation Sustainable Industries Education Centre – MPH Architects Bluescope proudly sponsors the COLORBOND® Award for Steel Architecture THE CITY OF ADELAIDE PRIZE Jury Chair: Kirsteen Mackay Jurors: Sandy Wilkinson, Warwick Keates, Kishan Sidhu, Andrew Whittaker, Lisa Slade Cafe Troppo – Troppo Architects Café Troppo is this year’s winner of the City of Adelaide Prize, which recognizes innovation and excellence in enhancing the public Realm of the City. The cornerstone of the Whitmore Square Affordable Housing, Café Troppo demonstrates the importance of shared public spaces and ground level activity in our inner metropolitan areas, bringing vitality and humanity to our growing neigbourhoods. It is modest in appearance and size but the approach to program management, sourcing of produce, energy consumption and social accessibility coalesce to create something entirely unique and of its place. The inclusion of a shared amenity within the housing scheme was staunchly protected by the architects as an essential part of the project overall, but was also designed to be adapted to an additional ground level apartment should the tenancy not be taken up. Phil Harris and his family eventually took up the challenge and have created a valued urban and social contribution to the south-western corner of the City. Troppo’s ability to drive a contemporary vernacular, in both regional and urban contexts, across a range of scales and uses is manifest in this project. At the heart of the conviviality is a modern interpretation of the local hotel incorporating shared verandahs, occupied pavements, open frontages and an identifiable community. The social conscience and generosity of spirit underpinning Café Troppo combined with its urban contribution, made the Jury’s decision to award it the 2014 City of Adelaide prize, a unanimous one. EMERGING ARCHITECT PRIZE (SA) Jury: Alex Hall, Simon Lobianco, Ian Oswald Matt Davis – Davis & Davis Architects The Emerging Architect Prize recognises new members of the profession who have made a substantial contribution to architecture in South Australia. The jury congratulates Matt Davis as this year’s recipient of the Emerging Architect Prize. After graduating from the University of Adelaide in 1999 with first class honours, in 2000 Matt furthered his education at Columbia University, New York at the acclaimed Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation. Matt’s started his career with local architecture practice Flightpath Architects, later moving to London to gain experience at Landmark Architecture then Allies + Morrison Architects. In 2002 he returned to Australia and established himself as Associate Director and Design Leader at Bates Smart Sydney. During his 4 year tenure at Bates Smart, Matt was involved in a number of highly regarded projects. Most notably, his role in the awarded 420 George Street Sydney. On returning to Adelaide and establishing his own architectural practice with his wife Sally Davis, aptly named Davis & Davis Architects. Whilst pursuing a career in private practise that has earned Matt continuing respect from his peers – he has at the same time conducted an equally successful career as an educator – beginning back in the late 90’s as a tutor, guest lecturer and in his current capacity as Lecturer in Architectural Design at UniSA. Matt’s abilities as an educator are equally highly regarded by his peers and students – achieving higher satisfaction ratings than National benchmarks for his teaching performance and as a result turning out some of the most distinguished architecture graduates in Australia. To an already distinguished career in private practise and education, for the past few years Matt has contributed to the profession of architecture at a government level as well – being involved in as Design Leader for the 5000+ project run by the Integrated Design Commission up to his current post as Principal Urban Designer with Renewal SA. Here Matt has established a reputation as a world class contributor to forward thinking design and its impact on our communities, his ability to communicate the importance and value of this world view to other government stakeholders and for the (not always) easy job of keeping these goals at the forefront of policy decisions in South Australia. To date Matt has made a noteworthy contribution in Academia, Education, Private Practice, and Government. An talented and well regarded architect in his own right, a valued educator (by his peers and students), a mentor, a leader and a forward thinking and devoted advocate for the role of architecture and design in Australia’s communities. A highly accomplished and multi-talented architect and educator, Matt’s contribution has not only benefited and will benefit the projects he is involved, but is influencing quality outcomes for the next generation of designers and policy makers alike. As the recipient of this prize, Matt’s dedication, influence and breadth of experience across all facets of practising architecture is recognised. Architectural Window Systems (AWS) proudly sponsors the Emerging Architect Prize.